Supporting organisations, schools and communities with UNIFORMD

Uniformd is your free, online marketplace designed to support your organisation, your community and the environment.

Large cardboard box marked 'Donate' in large red hand-drawn letters overfilled with bright clothing
Cheerful Students Raising Their Hands

By enabling organisations to pass on preloved donations and manage events via their own personalised online shop, we have helped to stop millions of items ending up in landfill, saved communities vast sums of money, and helped hundreds of organisations to fundraise effortlessly.

Join us today and help drive positive change.

Raise money

The funds raised go directly back to your organisation

Support your community

Pass on tickets and items for free or at an affordable price

Free and simple to use

User friendly platform both for admins and your community

Person's hand holding mobile phone showing a green recycle logo

Support sustainability

Be part of an ecosystem that helps reduce waste.

How Uniformd supports your organisation

Uniformd is a versatile online platform with funds raised going directly back to your organisation.

Online marketplace

Sell or give away preloved or new items, as well as tickets, effortlessly.

Access to free items

Support your community by passing on items for free.

Event management

Run events and capture all the info you require.

Charitable donations

Invite your community to make donations to your causes with the option for Gift Aid.

Order management & reporting

Automated stock adjustment, bulk uploads, and finance and sales reports.

Lost property management

Manage your lost property, easily claimed online.

What people are saying …

Free and simple fundraising on Uniformd.

Effortlessly fundraise and support your community with Uniformd

Join Uniformd

Join Uniformd - it’s free!

We would love your organisation – whether it’s a school, PTA, club or other organisation - to join Uniformd.
With our free, easy to use platform it has never been so easy to sell and give away preloved items and tickets, and fundraise.

Completely risk free:
  • no subscriptions
  • no joining or cancellation fees
  • no obligations

Friends Hands Held Atop One Another

Get your community involved!

Every donation makes an impact. Funds raised from selling donated items will be funnelled back into your organisation. The more donations, the more items to choose from, so help spread the word on social media to get your community involved.

Contact Us

Get in touch to find out more about bringing Uniformd to your community